For all the same reasons that Spectrum displays are spectacular over land, are the same reasons our waterborne displays are beyond proper description. Imagine the perfect canvas for a Spectrum spectacular, a dark sky on a calm summer night with even darker water that resembles onyx. This is the ultimate canvas for the true fireworks aficionado and is precisely the reason we have specialized in waterborne shows since 2001. To be a true waterborne show it must be remotely fired from numerous locations that are positioned to form a 500 to 1500 ft. long firing line. These firing lines are important in that they form the massive walls of fire on the water. Waterborne displays demand the most effort, equipment, and technical expertise, (unlike a show that is fired from a single barge).
Why would we be willing to submit ourselves to demanding waterborne shows you ask? The answer is in imagining once again our calm night and black water. With a stroke of our fingers on the computer keyboard, the entire body of water suddenly springs to life with a massive flight of spectrum made multi colored meteors forming a huge geometric pattern in the air. Your only response is a gasp for air from the resulting beauty. If you had only one word to describe our waterborne shows it would be elegance. If you think that your land based or barge fired display is lacking, please contact us and allow us to take your show to the next level.
Why do we shine over water?